Mini Optical

  • 742002H
  • Slate - 70 - SLA
  • 53 - 19 - 140
  • 742002H
  • Black - 10 - BLK
  • 53 - 19 - 140

  • Male
  • Square
  • Male
  • Square
  • A: 53
  • B: 40.8
  • ED: 59
  • A: 53
  • B: 40.8
  • ED: 59
  • DBL: 19
  • TEMPLE: 140
  • DBL: 19
  • TEMPLE: 140
  • Front: Stainless Steel | Temple: Cellulose Acetate
  • Front: Stainless Steel | Temple: Cellulose Acetate

To remove any residue from your frame use a little bit of water and wipe the area with a microfiber lens cloth to avoid damaging the frame and lenses

